When it comes to real estate transactions, Giovanni Giammarco, president of the National Realty Group Inc. is the master fro A to Z. Knowledge, organization and efficiency are the keys to success and Giovanni has an abundance of these qualities. For acquisition financing & management of my real estate investments, Giovanni is second to none.
Dr. Michael Billauer
Demand for rental housing is very strong in Southern California and single family homes continue to he financially out of reach for a large segment of the population. In addition to favorable demand, apartment ownership will benefit from a decline in multi-family construction. With such favorable demographics and economics, our well-located, quality apartments in Southern California have been successful investments and in the future should offer equally favorable results. We believe real economic profit und preservation of capital is the primary reason for making a real estate investment. This has been our philosophy since our founding and will continue to be the principal investment objective.
The skills and experience of our professionals have combined to produce a consistent successful record of performance in apartment investing for our partners. The partnerships provide excellent cash returns to investors over short holding periods. While the returns demonstrate consistent management performance, NRG is also proud of the fact that an overwhelming majority of our investors have multiple investments and re-invest when properties are sold